Ghraieb Nutrition:2,35 m dinars
Initial capital of Ghraieb Nutrition Company: 2,35 m dinars

Investment > 7,5m DT
- High-tech equipments
- Quality assurance : food safety, cooling chain, quality process
- Staff training

Third slaughterhouse in Tunisia
GN slaughterhouse area of 4500 m² on a open dedicated land of 10 000 m². (source GIPAC)

170 employees
170 permanent employees with a staff supervision ratio of 30%

Capacity > 15 000 t/an
Production capacity exceeds 15 000 tons per year

Among the first slaughterhouses having Halal Certificate in Tunisia

Coverage 100%
Products distribution covering the entire country.

Steady rising of chickens meat share of exports since 2011

Sanitary approval
Among the first slaughterhouses endowed with the sanitary approval in Tunisia " Sanitary approval AV -05-01 "

Certification ISO 9001
Certification ISO 9001

Certification ISO 22000
Certification ISO 22000